TITLE I: General Arrangements
- Article 1 : Aims and Objectives of AFSOPRS
- Article 2 : Aims of the B.L.
- Article 3 : Adoption of the B.L.
- Article 4 : Modification of the B.L.
TITLE II: Status, Members’ Rights and Duties
- Article 5 : Composition of AFSOPRS
- Article 6 : Founding Members
- Article 7 : Adherent Members
- Article 7.1. : Adherent Member’s Rights
- Article 7.2 : Adherent Member’s Duties
- Article 7.3 : Membership Status Loss
- Article 8 : Honorary Members
- Article 9 : Associate Members
Chapter 1: Deliberative Organ : The G.A.
- Article 10 : Composition of the G.A.
- Article 11 : Roles of the G.A.
- Article 12 : Meetings of the G.A.
- Article 13 : Convocation of the G.A.
- Article 14 : Members of the G.A.
- Article 15 : Validity of the G.A.
- Article 16 : Majority
- Article 17 : Voting Mode
- Article 18 : Climate within the G.A.
- Article 19 : Resolutions of the G.A.
Chapter 2: The Direction and Administration Organ : The Executive Bureau
- Article 20 : Composition of the E.B.
- Article 21 : Diversity of the E.B.
- Article 22 : Election of the E.B.
- Article 23 : Mandate of the E.B.
- Article 24 : Prerogatives of the E.B.
- Article 25 : Meetings of the E.B.
- Article 26 : Decisions of the E.B.
- Article 27 : Obligations of the members of the E.B.
- Article 28 : Indemnities
- Article 29 : Position Vacancy
- Article 30 : Presidential Assignments
- Article 31 : Vice-Presidential Assignments
- Article 32 : Assignments of the S.G. and the D.S.G.
- Article 33 : Assignments of the Treasurer and the A.T.
- Article 34 : Assignments of the assistants
Chapter 3: National Correspondents
- Article 35 : Appointment of the N.C.
- Article 36 : Mandate of the N.C.
- Article 37 : Roles and Obligations of the N.C.
TITLE IV: Financial Arrangements
Chapter 1: Resources
- Article 38 : Nature of the Resources
- Article 39 : Account
- Article 40 : Account Management
- Article 41 : Membership Fees
Chapter 2 : Expenses
- Article 42 : Expenses
- Article 43 : Format of the Meetings
- Article 44 : Material Organization
- Article 45 : The program
- Article 46 : The Presentations
- Article 46 Bis : Sanctions
- Article 47 : Languages
TITLE VI : Partners
Chapter 1 : Scientific Societies
- Article 48 : Good Relations
- Article 49 : Partnership
- Article 50 : Partnership Agreement
Chapter 2 : Sponsors
TITLE VIII : Final Arrangement
TITLE I : Used Abbreviations
AFSOPRS : African Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
B.L. : By-Laws
G.A. : General Assembly
E.B. : Executive Bureau
Article 1 : Aims of the AFSOPRS :
The purpose for which the AFSOPRS is formed is the study of all issues relating to the pathology and reconstructive or plastic surgery of the eyelids, orbit, and lacrimal ducts. It aims at improving the practise and teaching of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery in African countries.
Article 2 : Aims of the B.L.
The by-laws determine
- The rights and duties of the members of the AFSOPRS
- The role and prerogatives of the G.A. and the E.B.
The B.L. regulate AFSOPRS’ associative life along with the relations among its members, the General Assemby, the Executive Bureau, and the partners.
Article 3 : Adoption of the B.L.
Only the G.A. is entitled to adopt and introduce modifications to the by-laws that take effect upon their adoption.
Article 4 : Modifications of the B.L.
B.L. modifications are suggested by the G.A. either
- By the simple majority of the E.B.
- By 1/3(one-third)of the G.A.
TITLE II : Status, Rights and Duties of the Members
Article 5 : Composition of the AFSOPRS :
The AFSOPRS is composed of
- Founding Members
- Adherent Members
- Honorary Members
- Associate Members
Article 6 : Founding Members
The founding members are those who have directly contributed to the establishment of the AFSOPRS during its foundation. They are alphabetically ordered as follows:
BEKKOUCHE Khelifa (Libya) ; BENIA Lamir (Algeria) ; BENSAID Ahmed (Tunisia) ; DAMERDJI Djelloul (Algeria) ; DJAZAIRI Erfan (Egypt) ;EL BELHADJI Mohamed (Morocco) ;FENDRI Mehdi (Tunisia) ; GAWDAT Tamer (Egypt) ;KAMOUN Hela (Tunisia) ; ZAROURI Ali ( Morocco)
The founding members are in charge of:
- Endorsing and supporting the E.B.
- Being a force for bringing forward proposals inscribed in the objectives of the AFSOPRS
- Playing the role of an evaluation organ for the activities of the AFSOPRS
- Playing the role of an arbitration and mediation organ in case of internal conflicts
Article 7 : Adherent Members
Any qualified ophthalmologist with significant experience and competence in the practice and teaching of plastic and reconstructive ophthalmic surgery can be a member of AFSOPRS. This competence must be proven by:
- A training certificate in a recognized center specializing in oculoplasty.
- A certificate of practice of ophthalmic plastic surgery of at least 2 years with an evaluation of the volume of interventions carried out.
- Two presentations in congresses or specialized sessions
The Bureau may exceptionally and on a temporary basis admit an applicant under the auspices of 2 senior members.
Furthermore, the candidate must
- Practice privately or in the public sector in an African country
- Have applied for membership
- Have paid the membership fees
Article 7.1 : Adherent Member’s Rights
Any adherent member who has paid his/her dues enjoys the right to vote and is eligible. He/She can therefore participate in the direction organs and G.A. of AFSOPRS within the framework of its statutes and B.L. . He/She receives all information concerning the life and activities of AFSOPRS and other scientific oculoplasty societies. He/She benefits from possible reductions in registration fees for AFSOPRS events.
Article 7.2: Adherent Member’s Duties:
By formulating their membership request, the future member commits to:
- Comply with AFSOPRS Statutes and B.L.
- Respect the decisions taken by the G.A.
- Pay their dues regularly
- Promote the actions and image of AFSOPRS in his/her country and in other scientific societies
- Respect the code of ethics and the spirit of brotherhood
- Exclude any act or statement that could harm the interests or reputation of AFSOPRS or its members
- Develop a sense of dialogue and mutual aid and exclude individual action
Article 7.3: Membership Status Loss
AFSOPRS membership is lost by:
- Resignation or withdrawal formulated in writing and accepted by the E.B.
- Death
- Failure to pay dues for a period of two (02) consecutive years.
- Striking off of a member for serious reasons, according to the procedure determined by the B.L.
Article 8 : Honorary Members
This title is awarded by the G.A. upon the suggestion of the E.B. for any practitioner or medical or scientific figure (from African or non-African countries) who has made an exceptional contribution to oculoplasty and the scientific activities of AFSOPRS. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees and cannot be electors or eligible. Like the associate members, they receive all the information concerning the scientific activities of AFSOPRS.
Article 9: Associate members
This title is attributed upon the suggestion of the E.B. to any practitioner practicing a specialty related to oculoplasty or to ophthalmology residents with an interest in oculoplasty. Associate members are exempt from membership fees and cannot be electors or eligible. They can benefit from reductions in registration fees during meetings organized by AFSOPRS. Associate members receive, like adherent members, all information concerning AFSOPRS scientific activities.
The society includes a deliberation organ and a direction and administration one, called Bureau.
Chapter 1 :Deliberative Organ : The G.A.
Article 10 : Composition of the G.A.
The deliberative organ is constituted by the General Assembly, which brings together all of the members of the society who have paid their dues.
Article 11 : Roles of the G.A.
THE G.A. is responsible for:
- Ruling on AFSOPRS financial management reports, activity reports and moral situation.
- Adopting the AFSOPRS B.L.
- Adopting the modifications to the statutes and B.L.
- Approving the amount of annual membership fees.
- Renewing, if necessary, the direction and administration organ.
- Accepting donations and legacies.
- Examining the appeals formulated against the decisions of the E.B. in matters of membership or striking off.
Article 12 : Meetings of the G.A.
THE G.A. meets at least once a year in ordinary session, in particular to examine and approve the balance sheet (moral and financial) of the previous year and the action program for the following one. It meets in extraordinary session whenever necessary at the request of one third (1/3) of its adherent members or 2/3 (two thirds) of the Bureau.
Article 13 : Convocation of the G.A.
THE G.A. is convened by the President of AFSOPRS. The draft agenda accompanies the invitation by mailing within a period of 60 (sixty) days preceding the date of the G.A.
Article 14 : Members of the G.A.
No one can take part in the voting on resolutions, nor be elected to the Bureau if he/she is not in good standing with his/her dues.
Article 15 : Validity of the G.A.
THE G.A. can only deliberate validly upon a first convocation in the presence of half (50%) of its members. When the quorum is not reached, a second convocation is made within a maximum period of 60 (sixty) days. The G.A. can then deliberate validly regardless of the number of those present.
Article 16 : Majority
Decisions are taken by simple majority except for modifications and amendments to the statutes where the required majority must be more than 2/3 of the members present at the G.A.
Article 17 : Voting Mode
Voting on G.A. resolutions is by a show of hands. The election of the members of the bureau and the disciplinary measures are conducted through secret ballot.
Article 18 : Climate within the G.A.
The discussions in the G.A. must be conducted in a serene climate and with respect for democratic principles. Any member who disturbs the order through systematic and repeated disturbances may be subjected to sanctions which are:
- The call to order.
- The call to order with registration in the minutes.
- The call to order while being denied the right to speak.
- Exclusion until the end of the session.
Article 19 : Resolutions of the G.A.
The resolutions of the G.A. must be the subject of a reported minutes included within the register of the deliberations of the AFSOPRS and sent to all the members within 60 (sixty) days.
Chapter 2 : The Direction and Administration Organ : The Executive Bureau
Article 20 : Composition of the E.B.
AFSOPRS is directed and administered by the Bureau that is composed of the following:
- President
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- The Secretary General
- The Deputy Secretary
- Treasurer
- The Assistant Treasurer
- Four Assistants
However, as a transitional provision, the General Assembly may reduce the number and positions of the members of the bureau for the first terms.
Article 21 : Diversity of the E.B.
The composition of the E.B. must reflect the diversity of AFSOPRS members. No more than 4 (four) members from the same country may be elected to the E.B.
Article 22 : Election of the E.B.
Applications must reach the President of AFSOPRS in writing within 30 days before the elective G.A.
The list of candidates must be known to voters at least fifteen (15) days before the general meeting.
The election of the members of the E.B. is by secret ballot.
However, on a transitional basis, until the membership of AFSOPRS is substantial, the president and the members of the E.B. may be appointed by consensus by the founding members.
Article 23 : Mandate of the E.B.
The mandate of the AFSOPRS Bureau is 3 (three) consecutive years. The mandate of the Bureau can be exceptionally extended by one year (lack of candidacies, impossibility of holding an elective G.A.,…) The members of the E.B. are re-eligible without limitation of the number of mandates with the exception of the President who cannot be re-elected to the presidency for a third consecutive mandate.
Article 24 :Prerogatives of the E.B.
The Bureau is responsible for:
- Ensuring compliance with the execution of the statutory provisions, the B.L. and the decisions of the G.A.
- Managing the assets of AFSOPRS.
- Determining the assignments of each vice president and the missions of the assistants.
- Preparing the draft B.L. or its amendments which are submitted to the G.A.
- Determines the amount of expenditures.
- Instructing and pronouncing admissions of active members, honorary members and associate members
- Instructing and pronouncing strike offs.
- Initiating and organizing scientific meetings
Article 25 : Meetings of the E.B.
The E.B. meets as much as possible at least twice per semester in ordinary sessions when convened by the President. It can meet in extraordinary session at the request of 1/3 of its members. However, given the continental nature of AFSOPRS, the Bureau cannot validly hold a traditional meeting with the physical presence of its members. It should favor online meetings (videoconferencing) and gatherings during scientific meetings.
Article 26 : Decisions of the E.B.
The Bureau adopts its decisions by simple majority provided that a quorum of 1/3 is reached. In the event of a tied vote, that of the President is decisive.
Article 27 : Obligations of the members of the E.B.
In addition to the obligations related to their functions, the members of the E.B. are required to
- Respect and ensure respect for the stipulations of the statutes and the B.L.
- Opt for courtesy, tolerance and moderation in their relationships
- Develop constructive relationships in a positive spirit
- Contribute to the creation of a friendly and convivial atmosphere within E.B.
- Foster dialogue, and consultation in the event of internal conflict
- Exclude individual action in favor of team spirit
- Not use AFSOPRS, its image or its assets for personal purposes
Article 28 : Indemnities
The members of the E.B. do not receive any compensation and must not claim any for their activity within the AFSOPRS. Reimbursements of costs are possible upon production of evidence.
Article 29 :Position Vacancy
In case of vacancy of the post of President, it is the 1st Vice President, or failing this the 2nd Vice President, who ensures the interim until the end of the mandate if it does not exceed one year or until the snap elections . In the event of vacancy of one or more posts of the E.B., the President may provisionally appoint assistant members to the vacant posts until the annual G.A.
Article 30 : Presidential Assignments
The President represents AFSOPRS in acts of civil life and with associations or similar scientific societies. He/She is in charge of
- Taking legal action on behalf of the association.
- Taking out insurance as a guarantee for the consequences attached to his/her civil liability.
- Summoning the E.B. and G.A., presiding over and directing the debates.
- Setting the agenda for the sessions of the General Assembly.
- Animating and coordinating the activities of the E.B ..
- Preparing half-yearly reports and summaries on the life of AFSOPRS.
- Transmitting any information to the administrative authority empowered for this purpose.
- Preparing the moral and financial report and reporting it to the G.A. which decides on its management.
Article 31 : Vice-Presidential Assignments
The 2 Vice-Presidents assist the President. The 1st Vice-President or, failing that, the 2nd Vice-President replaces the President in the event of the vacancy of the position of president or in case of force majeure and by written delegation of the President in all other circumstances.
Article 32 : Assignments of the S.G. and the D.S.G.
The Secretary, assisted by the Deputy Secretary, is responsible for all matters of general administration. He/She ensures:
- Keeping the list of members
- Mail processing, archive management.
- Keeping the deliberation register
- Writing the minutes of the deliberations and their transcriptions in the register of deliberations
- Keeping a copy of the statutes and internal regulations
The President may delegate to him/her in writing some of his/her powers for a specified time.
Article 33 : Assignments of the Treasurer and the A.T.
The Treasurer, assisted by an Assistant Treasurer, is responsible for financial and accounting matters. Accordingly, the treasurer ensures:
- The collection of membership fees
- The management of funds and the maintenance of the inventory of assets.
- Keeping of an expenditure record
- The preparation and presentation of financial reports to the G.A.
- The signature of the expenses, also signed by the President or his substitute
Article 34 : Assignments of the assistants
The assistants help the other members of the Bureau and can fill vacancies.
Article 35: Appointment of the N.C.
The E.B. appoints a correspondent for each country represented within AFSOPRS from its own members or from the founding members or adhering ones.
Article 36: Mandate of the N.C.
- The mandate of the national delegate is 3 (three) years and corresponds to the mandate of the E.B.
Article 37: Roles and obligations of the N.C.
- The correspondent is the spokesperson and the representative of AFSOPRS in his/her country
- He/She is the only contact between AFSOPRS and the scientific partner societies in his/her country
- He/She operates under the direction of the E.B. and does not undertake any initiative engaging AFSOPRS without prior consultation.
- He/She is responsible for identifying potential full members and encouraging their membership in AFSOPRS
- He/She supervises and organizes scientific meetings of AFSOPRS in his/her country in collaboration with the E.B. .
- He/She jointly establishes the program of scientific events in his/her country with the E.B. : choice of themes, choice of speakers, speaking time, partners.
- He/She contributes to the promotion of oculoplasty and the image of AFSOPRS.
- He/She encourages and develops relationships of brotherhood and friendship with all the oculoplasticians of his/her country.
- He/She reports regularly on his/her activities to the E.B.
TITLE IV : Financial Arrangements
Chapter 1: Resources
Article 38: Nature of resources
AFSOPRS resources are, in addition to those authorized by current legislation: membership fees, grants, the organization of paid courses or workshops, and sponsorship of its activities.
Article 39: The account
The resources of AFSOPRS are deposited in a single account opened under the diligence of the president and possibly into a foreign currency account in accordance with the regulations in force in the country.
Article 40: Account management
Resources are managed jointly by the President and the Treasurer.
Article 41: Membership Fees
The payment of membership fees represents the voluntary act of adherence or membership maintenance as a member of AFSOPRS.
The membership fees, representing the admission rights to AFSOPRS, are compulsory for all adhering members.
The membership fees give the full member the right to total or partial exemption from the registration fees for scientific meetings organized by AFSOPRS subject to specific provisions with partner scientific societies.
Failure to pay membership fees for 2 successive years may result in cancellation.
They are due before January 1st of each year.
The amount of annual membership fees is set by the G.A.
The amount of the membership fees must be expressed in US dollars.
The amount of the annual subscription is fixed at 30 USD
Article 42: Expenses
The expenses of AFSOPRS include all expenses necessary for the achievement of the goals assigned to it by its statutes. The amount and nature of the expenses are the responsibilities of the E.B.
Article 43: Format of the Meetings
AFSOPRS engages in the development and organization of scientific meetings in the form of seminars, congresses, workshops or courses either
- autonomously
- or jointly with other scientific, national, regional or continental societies
Article 44: Material Organization
The material organization of scientific meetings can be done either
- completely autonomously by the E.B. of AFSOPRS
- Jointly with partner companies
- through an event agency
Article 45: The Program:
- The program of the scientific event is established jointly by the E.B. and the national correspondent of the country where it is held and in possible collaboration with the host scientific society.
- It is developed on the basis of the chosen theme (s), communications submissions, time allocated to the oculoplasty session and certain provisions related to partnership with the host company.
- Any communication submission must be accompanied by a summary of ten lines
The E.B. may in certain circumstances (limited hourly volume, similarity of several communications, etc.) limit the number of presentations by author.
- In collaboration with the national correspondent of the host country, the E.B. can invite renowned medical figures.
Article 46: The Presentations
The presentation modalities (didactic presentations, free oral or displayed communications, films) are fixed by the E.B. for each scientific meeting.
Article 46 bis : Sanctions
Any first author, registered and appearing in the program, who does not present his/her oral or displayed communication twice, except for reasons of force majeure, may not present any communication the following year. This suspension will be increased to 2 years if the author has not informed the Secretary General in time of the impossibility of coming to the congress or seminar.
Article 47 : Languages
Papers can preferably be presented in English or French. If presented in French or in the language of the host country, the key points and highlights should be simultaneously displayed in English.
Article 48: Good Relations
AFSOPRS ensures good relations with all similar scientific societies and encourages exchanges that are beneficial to all parties.
Article 49: Partnership
AFSOPRS may establish partnership relations with similar national, regional, and continental scientific societies and with ophthalmic societies, associations of ophthalmologists or societies whose specialty is similar to oculoplasty.
Article 50: Partnership Agreement
This partnership can be the subject of an agreement whose terms specify the common interests and objectives along with the respective obligations of the partners.
Among other obligations specified by the agreement, the name and logo of AFSOPRS must be highlighted on all media for the scientific meeting.
AFSOPRS can admit as adhering members the members of a national society of African oculoplasty without obligation of membership fees and within the framework of reciprocity upon the agreement of the two parties.
Article 51 :
AFSOPRS can call on sponsors (pharmaceutical or medical equipment firms, public or private institutions) to finance continuing medical education, the organization of scientific meetings or to bear the costs for communicators.
This sponsorship, occasional or permanent, may be the subject of an agreement.
Article 52
By joining AFSOPRS, the new member commits to abide not only by the statutes and internal regulations but also by the rules of medical ethics and professional conduct in particular
- In his/her relations with other members, who must be courteous and caring
- In his/her scientific publications, which must be the fruit of personal or team work and be of irreproachable scientific integrity excluding falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism and conflicts of interest
- Have an attitude of prudence and discernment on social networking sites, especially in matters of confidentiality, commercial or advertising publications that may damage the image of colleagues or the medical profession.
Article 53 :
The present by_laws were adopted by the E.B. on December 7, 2019.
Article 54 :
It takes effect starting from the aforementioned date.
Article 55 :
No modifications can be introduced without consulting the General Assembly.
Executive Bureau